The end of Founder Secrets

Or maybe a new beginning?

Yes, you read that right. This is the very last issue of Founder Secrets.

TL;DR: It's not really the end! I'm passing the torch to one of the smartest founders I know, Tyler Denk. He scaled beehiiv to a $13M run rate in two years. In his newsletter, Big Desk Energy, he shares how he does it. My original vision for Founder Secrets lives on. The only difference is that moving forward, you'll receive Big Desk Energy instead. If you prefer, you can also unsubscribe now. But if you love learning from fellow founders and you want to learn all the secrets of growing beehiiv to a billion-dollar company, I promise you'll love Big Desk Energy.

I launched this newsletter exactly one year ago, and what a ride it’s been! We’ve crossed paths with some incredible founders, got to know their inspiring stories, and most importantly, picked up a load of secrets on how they grew their startups.

Being at the helm of Founder Secrets was an absolute thrill.

I’ve always loved learning from founders, but I’ve never been a fan of podcasts. Spending an hour listening to a podcast has always felt like a waste of time I could use to build something instead.

That’s why I love newsletters. They allow you to get to the heart of what matters in a fraction of the time.

And yeah, over the past 12 months, we managed to do just that! So I’d say, mission accomplished!

However, as I take on some bigger projects at Wefunder, I really don’t have the time to write a new Founder Secrets issue every week.

That’s why this is gonna be my very last issue.

But does that mean that my original vision for Founder Secrets is gone?

Not at all.

I'm handing over the keys to Founder Secrets to one of my favorite founders and the smartest entrepreneurs on the planet — Tyler Denk.

Tyler is the founder and CEO of beehiiv, the platform that powers some of the best newsletters in the world (including Founder Secrets).

When I say that he is one of the smartest founders on the planet, I mean it.

Tyler launched beehiiv just two years ago. When I first interviewed him on Founder Secrets last year, their revenue run rate was $2.5M. Now, it’s north of $13M — an astonishing 400% growth.

And in addition to being a world-class founder, Tyler also writes his newsletter, Big Desk Energy

In it, he is literally an open book about everything that goes into building beehiiv. You’ll rarely find another place on the internet where you can learn so much about startups directly from a founder building something great.

So yeah, my original vision for Founder Secrets lives on. 

The only difference is that moving forward, you’ll have the opportunity to learn directly from Tyler. And instead of Founder Secrets, you’ll get Big Desk Energy. Every week, all the ups and downs of building beehiiv, all the growth strategies, the numbers, the wins, the setbacks, and literally all his secrets.

If you prefer to part ways here, you can unsubscribe and you will never hear from us again.

But if you love learning from fellow founders, I promise you won’t find any other place on the internet to learn so much about startups than Big Desk Energy.


A quick note from Tyler: 

I couldn’t be more thrilled to have you be a part of this. Manuel is an absolute legend, and I promise to carry on his mission and deliver valuable insights to your inbox each week. 

Moving forward, you’ll receive a single newsletter from me each Tuesday morning. In the meantime, you can read some of my most popular pieces from this year…

Enjoy, and I’ll see ya on Tuesday ✌️